Full Mission Profile offers a services covering all areas of high risk training. Our past, current and potential clients include organizations of all sizes, in a significant variety of industries. Examples of our many important practice areas are listed below:
Program Development and Management of SOF Contracts
Red and White Cell Personnel Training, Development, and Management
Fusion Center Development and Enhancement
Cyber Security Assessments protecting your critical information
Mitigation Engineering protecting your high profile facilities
Custom Weapons Purchase and Modification
Government Purchases and Inspection of Firearms
Maintenance and Repair of Foreign Weapons
Emergency Vehicle Operation
Exercise Development and Management
Exercise Scripting
High Risk Personnel Recruitment and Management
Testing of High Risk Personnel
Intelligence Cells for Stability Operations
Investigative Techniques in Austere Locations
Remote Data Analysis
High Risk Equipment Product Development and Testing
High Risk Escort Service
Counter Terrorism Training
Port Security
Fusion Center Development and Management
Whether your organization currently operates a fusion center or is in the development process we can develop a short-term or long-term strategy to implement or enhance your fusion center operations any where in the world. Our expert advice will help you navigate safely into your fusion center future.
High Risk Escort Service
If you have an asset that needs added protection and security within the United States or internationally we can provide a custom service at all levels to ensure their safety. We are a cut above other organizations since our protective personnel are active law enforcement officers from all over the country. For CONUS escort they know the environment, the politics, the business leaders, the best lodging, the best restaurants, and are professional in every aspect. For OCONUS escort services they are experienced international operators from some of the most eilte DOD units.
Counter Terrorism Training
There are risks involved in any community and environment in todays emerging terrorism environment. Since 911 our personnel have been actively involved in protecting city, county, state and national assets. We provide you with extensive and personal advice before a crisis hits. Our unique training model will develop all of your force protection assests to deter, mitigate, and respond to a terrorist event.
Our subject matter experts in Cyber Security and Mitigation Engineering have the ability to fuse the training with services to enhance your organizations security to the next level with cyber hardening and structural hardening of your most precious assets.